American Muscle Cars
Dedicated To American Muscle Cars
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The best Mustang? Perhaps. But paying $10,530 more than for a stock Mustang GT seems all wrong for $2700 worth of bolt-on parts.
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
Kitt, the well-spoken 1982 Trans Am driven in the TV show Knight Rider, is on sale at a California auto dealership for $149,995, arousing interest from who knows what kind of buyer. In 2006, Kid Rock bought one of the remaining "General Lee" Dodge Chargers used in The Dukes of Hazzard, so we figure maybe Tommy Lee should buy Kitt.
Lee would probably be reckless enough to race Rock for fun, and it might help settle who Pamela Anderson belongs to once and for all. But more importantly, it would help determine whether the General Lee or Kitt deserves the title "Best TV Muscle Car."
The General Lee had supernatural suspension and a preternatural feel for off-road rally driving, while Kitt had flame-throwers, could run 483 mph. . . oh, and he could talk!
But just in case you feel they're not worthy contenders for title - maybe you're a fan of Roger Moore's Volvo from The Saint, or Adam West's old school Batmobile, or Herbie the Love Bug - we considered only two other possibilities, namely:
# Zebra 3, the chromed-out, rear-wheel drive two-door red-and-white Ford Gran Torino in Starsky & Hutch. Bay City rollin' never looked so good.
# Tom Selleck's drop-top red Ferrari 308 GTS in Magnum P.I. - never did the words "beauty and the beast" sit so well together.
Note: An honorable mention goes out to the souped-up black and gray 1983 GMC G-Series van from The A-Team. It was like "The Mystery Machine" from Scooby Doo, only it was real, it was black, and it had wings and gun racks (and a much cooler crew of passengers. Except The Face. He was lame.).
Classic American Muscle Cars
Monday, February 19, 2007
By Amrita Rajan.
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly (2006):
Jeremy Clarkson hates America. He hates the junk they call food, the stuff in "Styrofoam buckets" that "passes for coffee", the blindingly shiny perfect teeth, and he finds the natives rather thick - both in the head and around the middle. But what he hates the most about America is what it drives.
Their cars are cheaper and have a bit of power, he notes, but that's because they're under-engineered rubbish, made out of "melted down action men". Worse, if the Americans actually manage to stumble upon a proper bit of (European) car-making, like say a Mercedes SLR McLaren, they ruin it - cut to a shot of a fugly SLR tricked out with broad red panels. It's properly hideous.
But then a funny thing happened. He drove a Corvette C6 and actually liked it. American automakers, it seems, have discovered materials like carbon fiber and devised a method to steer around a corner. Could it be that he was all wrong or is the C6 a fluke? There was only one way to find out - bite the bullet and make the hop over the Atlantic. Jeremy Clarkson: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly is the result.
Corvette C6
It starts out in a style familiar to Top Gear fans around the world - Clarkson ranting on in his inimitable style as the camera pans to take in some stylish shots of America's Wild West. Well, sort of - it's really just California, except for a couple of visits to Las Vegas, but that's close enough for a Brit, what with the ominous rattlesnakes and scuttling scorpions, not to mention people who think Asia is a country in Europe and Scotland is next to Austria.
As an added bonus, he's brought The Stig over despite rumors that "his head would explode if he left the shores of England". As I find myself mourning The Black Stig at odd moments, I am appalled that they would chance The White Stig thus, but he seems to be in fine helmeted form, so that's all right.
First up, the Corvette Z06 - he races it along a track in Death Valley and rather likes it. He thinks it compares favorably to Ferrari's products and for one-third the price, he ups his 'like' to 'fantastic'. If you think this seems a little too good to be true, you're right. He takes it out on the road and everything falls apart. The tyres are too loud, the gearbox feels like it "belongs on a plow" and the radio is useless... "In many ways then, this car is rather like herpes: great fun catching it, but not so much fun to live with every day."
It's also a gas guzzler, which sets up our next car very nicely: the Toyota Prius. Oh, dear. This is going to get ugly real fast, isn't it? He begins by pooh-poohing the vaunted fuel efficiency and admits that he loathes the look of it. "What about speed?" he asks a bit rhetorically. "Nope, it hasn't got any."
All of this introduces us to "Billy Bob", who thinks "Deliverance is a documentary and his top three loves are, in reverse order, his cousin, his collection of guns and, at number one, his pickup truck." Could there be anyone more American? Billy Bob sprays some spittle and then brings out his gun collection (which includes what looks like an anti-aircraft machine gun) and blows the Prius to smithereens. Thanks, Billy Bob.
That settled, we go to a car that Clarkson likes much better - the Ford Mustang. A true piece of Americana that gets beaten by a real, live mustang in a race. Seriously, horse: 38 seconds; car: 40 seconds. "Yes, I've seen faster cows than this!" he yells.
Roush Mustang
Mustang fans should wait before putting on their KKK outfits and setting out in search of a good ol' lynching however, because that was just the set up. The Mustang by itself might be a good looking piece of garbage, he says, but the idea is to build up the basic model into something "brilliant" and "fantastic" (even if still unable to negotiate a corner). He offers two examples - the Roush Mustang and the Shelby Mustang. Souped up racing versions of the original, it's the Roush that wins him over, mainly because they actually re-engineered the car rather than jazzing it up on the surface like Shelby.
So of course, he sets up it up against the Lotus Exige S. In a race between the "American Eagle" and the "British Mosquito", the "plastic toaster from Norfolk" wins because ... it can steer around the corners. Can you see a theme here?
Well, okay, but what happens if you pit an Escalade against a Hummer H2 on a race up a steep mountain? The answer is that you're likely to win - as long as you're in a Range Rover. He steers with his feet on the steepest part of the mountain, stops to pick up litter, gets briefly lost, chats with his producers and still makes it to the top first. Clarkson can't contain his giggles as he examines the Escalade and H2 sitting stuck halfway up the slope. "Rotten bit of luck for them."
He's so taken aback by the sheer crumminess of the Escalade in partcular, which literally disintegrated during the challenge, that he sets up a fishtank test between a Lincoln Town Car and a Jaguar XJ6, a car he describes as one made by a bunch of "Communists in the Midlands", so badly made is it. The quest here is to see which shoddily made car can retain the most liquid if you drilled a hole on top and filled it full of water. The Lincoln refuses the contest point-blank - everything leaks out faster than they can put it in.
So, "America is losing everything", and even the heart of Jeremy Clarkson is wrung. He decides to hand them a break: "Let's look at straight line speed." The candidate is a Chrysler 300C SRT8. "It's a modern, road burning muscle car," he notes. Alas, none of its muscle kept it from keening over in front of a... BMW M5?
Hell, the Americans can't even get the sound of the engine right. The Europeans don't just make racing sounds - they have a bloody symphony going. Picture Jeremy 'Petrolhead' Clarkson in ecstasy, strumming an imaginary engine as a random European car races around a track.
Whatever. Now comes the most expensive sports car America has ever made - the Cadillac XLR-V. It's stunning looking, fast and powerful. It's also "fairly sophisticated" and a bit of a bargain compared to similar models put out by the likes of Mercedes Benz. "On paper it looks amazing... and it is. Amazingly awful." He hates everything about it, even the European stuff they put on it. Now that is bad. "It is foul," Clarkson corrects, because he must always have the last word.
He's so depressed, he has to cheer himself up by tearing a 1994 Buick Park Avenue ("I would rather go on a bus than drive a car like this") apart with a pair of giant secateurs wielded by a seemingly bovine American and his friends. They slowly and methodically chew their way through some indistinguishable food just as the machine chews up the Buick. And no, I didn't mind that anvil dropping on my head. Not at all.
But all this is merely leading up to the ultimate horror - pickup trucks. "It's a Dodge Ram and it looks good - if you're nine." It's not even a car, as classified by the American government, he says, and has apparently achieved about the same level of engineering as an early 19th century covered wagon. But that's all right, he tells us, because when the time comes for you to marry your sister you can just load a leaf blower, a cement mixer and a barbecue set in the back and you'll be set. "What?" he drawls. "She's awful purty and comes from good stock." Oh, shut up.
Then there is a brief cameo by a Harley Davidson that he blows up. I didn't exactly get why, except he now gets to smirk, "Now that is what I call a hog roast."
Dodge Viper
But really, who cares about a bike going boom when the Dodge Viper is up next? Despite all the warnings by various governmental agencies warning him that to get in the Viper and drive is to die (literally), he jumps in anyway. And nearly dies. "A big red V10 axe murderer," he calls it, spinning crazily out of control. "I do like it though," he says, his eyes alight with that manic gleam that shines from them whenever he's having fun. Alas, he doesn't love it enough to not compare it to the BMW Z4, which he describes as a "bit rubbish". I might not know much about cars, but I do know an insult when I see one.
But wait! What's this? It's a Ford GT. Of course, it's about as American as "America's national anthem, which was written by a Brit", what with all the Europeans that worked on it. But like the American Navy, he says, which was also engineered by a Brit before the Americans finessed it, the GTX1 is much more American in character and a complete dream.
Ford GTX1
Look! It makes lovely sounds, goes really fast, isn't as expensive as its European counterparts and... are you ready? Steers around corners! Yes! He loves it so much he actually bought it.
Now, lest you think this is a documentary by a sniffy Brit about how much America sucks, let me hasten to tell you that you're only half right. Sniffy Brit he might be, but Clarkson seems genuinely baffled about the quality of American cars. After all, he points out, Americans make the fastest airplane in the world (the Blackbird SR-71), put the first man on the moon, and engineered a city that never runs out of water in the middle of a desert (Las Vegas). Clearly, this is a country that can do better.
Clarkson being Clarkson, he obviously has a couple of theories to offer, chief amongst them his hypothesis that Americans don't build their cars to last because they're a society used to the disposable. As his pet example is the '94 Buick, I found it a little hard to argue but you might have better luck.
As a person who knows nothing about cars and couldn't care less about any of the models featured, I enjoyed myself watching this. There was a point wherein I found myself getting a little tired of watching all the American cars get humiliated by all the failed cars of Europe, but then Clarkson would snark another comment, finding a new way to drive home his already obvious point and I would forget my irritation. Of course, it also helps that I'm not an American and am more or less inured to his ways as a loyal Top Gear fan.
Like all of Jeremy Clarkson's various efforts, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly is enormous fun. If you're a sensitive soul, however, you'd be well advised to leave this film alone because he still remains the unchallenged "hero of political incorrectness".
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
CRYSTAL COVE, Calif. -- The sun is a soft glow on the still-slumbering Pacific at dawn, before the ocean awakes with yawning waves, and the seaside shops blink open their shutters.
But nearby is the sound and smell of serious horsepower. Engines are roaring as Lamborghinis, rare Porsche speedsters and lime-green Vipers roll almost regally into the lot of a strip mall perched high above the sea. The surfers may still be sleeping, but the car nuts are most definitely awake.
Every Saturday morning, and we do mean morning -- not even the local Starbucks is open -- hundreds of exotic-car owners and admirers from across southern California gather to gawk, preen and convene in a loosely organized exotic and classic-car extravaganza known simply by its location: Crystal Cove.Row after row of hand-built kit cars, super cars and every kind of impracticality on wheels, sit alongside pristine American muscle and Italian fancy. One stunning black-and-white exotic with a white bubble cockpit perched on a black, sharp-nosed hood resembled an Oreo cookie that might, at any moment, take flight.
By 7 a.m., the parking lot is so filled with expensive, one-of-kind metal that when a Mercedes CLK 320 slides by, the only head that turns is that of the protective owner of a 427 Cobra who gives the Mercedes driver a look that distinctly says, "Don't you dare scratch my baby with that trash."
Sprinkled among the owners and admirers are a smattering of car designers who regularly drop in for a shot of inspiration. (Ford designers are such fans that the auto parade recently relocated to Ford's design studio parking lot in Irvine after noise complaints.)
On this day, the pros include Ford designer Tyler Blake, a young, soft-spoken guy in jeans whose eyes light up behind rimless glasses when he walks by a bright-blue 1970 Chevelle SS -- a tough, American muscle machine that looks like something a Clint Eastwood character would shoot you from.
"That's one of my favorite cars," Blake says, doing the typical designer dance -- view it from the front, kneel down, step back a few paces, come forward, walk around to the back, repeat. "It's so tough."
Blake, like other designers who can't seem to resist the call of Crystal Cove, see something different when they look at these cars. They talk about distance between wheels, proportion, the size of the hood, or it's volume. Walking through rows of cars with Blake is like walking through a museum with an art professor.
"Look at the way the light plays off the sheet metal," he says, gazing at a '55 Porsche, seemingly unperturbed that the Starbucks has still not opened. "You really can't get that anywhere else in the U.S. but here."
Blake loves American muscle cars, he says, for all the typical boy reasons, but also for their proportion. "There's a balancing point those designers achieved with proportion, the vast hood, the tough shoulders of the car. There's nothing like American muscle."
"Look at that," Blake says, nodding toward a 1970 Boss Mustang. "You could make a whole Focus out of the sheet metal on that hood."
Since Blake transferred from Detroit to Ford's design center in Irvine, he says he's starting to draw with more color. He comes to the Cove at least once a month just to be around passionate car owners, he says, and to be bombarded with the beauty and history of the past -- and also to be reminded of what differentiates a trend from true classic design.
A tricked-out silver Hummer drives past slowly. "See, that's cheesy and trendy," he says. "It just goes too far." He gestures toward the '55 Porsche. The lines are so classic, so elegant that "it's timeless. Even now, it looks modern."
That's what he's striving for in his work at Ford. He was already on the team that designed a compact, futuristic sports car, called the Reflex, released as a concept car at the 2006 Detroit auto show.
But at 33, Blake has got decades of work ahead of him. And plenty of time to create something so memorable, that 50 years from now, if he succeeds, it will glide into this parking lot and some young designer will stand in front of it, back up, kneel down and shake his head in pure admiration.
By Tamara AudiMonday, January 22, 2007

If you are of a nervous disposition or a minor, then please look away now. These pictures are illegal in some countries ;->

Look out for Red Hot Cars And Red Hot Girls Part 2 coming soon!
Monday, December 11, 2006
December 11, 2006

Los Angeles, California – When Ford debuted its first purpose-built muscle car in more than 30 years the 2005 Mustang caught the eyes of two of the world's leading automotive stylists.
Italdesign's Fabrizio Giugiaro said: "When we saw the new Mustang, we knew two things: it was the best we'd seen since the original and we had to get our hands on one."'
So Giugaro approached Ford's chief creative officer J Mays early in 2005 with a proposal to do an Italian job on the new Mustang.
The result: Mustang by Giugiaro – a one-of-a-kind concept powered by Ford Racing technologies, styled by Giugaro and his father, design icon Giorgetto Giugiaro, and shown for the first time at the 2006 Los Angeles auto show.
Mays said: "It seemed only fitting; this design study reinforces the global appeal of Mustang, yet it's right at home in Los Angeles, America's most enthusiastic performance-car market."
The senior Giugiaro's portfolio includes concept and production designs for nearly every automaker in the world – from Fiat, Alfa Romeo and VW to Mazda, Lotus and Bugatti.
Fabrizio Giugiaro has helped deliver key global designs as well since joining family firm Italdesign in 1990 but American automotive icons have long captured his attention.
He led the design process on the Mustang by Giugiaro concept and delivered a complete exterior model from the family studio in Turin, Italy in only four months
The doors are hinged at the base of the upright A-pillar and open vertically at the touch of a button |
The Giugiaro Mustang looks more compact than the production car; it has less rear overhang and the lines have been tapered to the limit of of its mechanical outlines.
The car looks more like a fastback from the side with its longer bonnet and barely visible bootline – but it's wider than the standard version; the Giugiaros added 30mm in front, gradually expanding the width by 80mm toward the rear, which is typical of Italian design.
The interior features a dramatic instrument panel that sweeps across the width of the car, circular gauges that project from behind the steering wheel and mottled dark brown horsehide upholstery with mustang logos on the head restraints.
There's a single, curved glass panel replacing the windscreen, roof and rear window; it was made by Solutia of Detroit from a special type of crystal that filters out 100 percent of UVA rays.
The doors are hinged at the base of the upright A-pillar and open vertically at the touch of a button, and special taillights echo the three separate elements of the original 1964 Mustang - but arrow-shaped to link to the louver panels that replace the rear side windows.
There's even a definite curl sweeping into the crest of the concept's carbon-fibre bumpers, hinting at the tail fins that defined American cars of the 1950s.
Performance credentials
But this is no show mock-up – it's a driveable car with serious performance credentials, on a chassis built by Ford's racing department.
Ford Racing added an intercooled twin-screw supercharger to the all-aluminium 4.6-litre, three-valve V8 of the stock Mustang, with a larger 95mm mass air meter and a conical air filter, fuel injectors from the GT racing version, a crossover exhaust system and Ford Racing tailpipes (it would be libellous to call them silencers) and a new engine mapping that takes power output from the standard 225kW to an estimated 375kW with the boost running at 0.8 bar.
A Ford Racing aluminium radiator provides cooling capacity to match the extra 150kW.
The chassis has been set up using a tailored Ford Racing handling pack – available as a kit for the standard car – with stiffer dampers, lowered springs and anti-sway bars to sharpen the car's responses and lower its stance about 40mm compared to the standard car.
Fabrizio Giugiaro confirmed: "It drives as good as it looks – I took it to the limit on the open road near Turin and I can honestly say this car is worth the 30 000 hours of blood, sweat and tears we put into it."
Is This The 2009 Ford Mustang?
With the muscle car wars already beginning to heat up this summer, speculators have been doing there level best at speculating on what direction FoMoCo will be boldly moving towards for the 2009 model year of it's hard-charging pony car.
Some claim it'll look similar to the Giugiaro Mustang from this year's LA show, with others claiming it'll get a shooting brake re-make. All the rumors do seem to suggest at the very least it'll receive a bit of a front face lift to tighten the skin over the sagging Sid Ramnarace and J Mays "retro-futurism" exterior in an attempt make it look more like the PYT it wants to be when compared with the new-to-the-block Camaro and Challenger.
In addition to the collagen implant in front, there are mumblings of a retractable hardtop in the offing. Under the hood, there's rumors the GT version will be tweaked with output going up to...
...the 350-horsepower range -- and maybe more. Well, at least more in the fervent hopes and dreams of Mustang-lovers everywhere. Though no spy shots have yet been snapped of this horse in the wild, Autobytel has an illustration, courtesy of Priddy & Co., of the direction they think it's going to take. – Ray Wert
Monday, November 13, 2006
Ford Mustang Convertible - Most Wanted
The 2007 Ford Mustang has been named Most Wanted Convertible Under $35,000 by editors -- the second time Mustang has won the designation.
"These are the vehicles our editorial team would chose to have in our own driveways," said editor-in-chief Karl Brauer. praised the Mustang's performance, retro styling and affordable price.
The Edmunds' honor is just the latest in a string of critical accolades for Mustang that, along with consumer popularity, have spurred competitors to revive their muscle cars, primarily the new Chevrolet Camaro and Dodge Challenger.
"Without the uncanny success of the Mustang, with its retro styling cues, V8 rumble, brash manner and affordable price, GM and DaimlerChrysler would surely not have bothered replaying these oldies," said Kevin Smith of
If this sounds familiar it's because automakers are reliving a scene originally played out some 40 years ago. In what auto writers dubbed the "Pony Car Wars," domestic automakers battled each other in the 1960s and early 1970s to see which company could create the most popular American muscle car.
"We embrace the Pony wars," said James Owens, Mustang marketing manager. "Mustang is the authentic American muscle car. In fact, Mustang is the only one of the original pony cars from the 1960s to live on into the 21 st century with no interruption in production."
In the wake of the Mustang's success in 1964, competing automakers set about developing products to challenge Ford's pony car – the Plymouth Barracuda, the Camaro and Firebird, the American Motors Javelin and the Dodge Challenger.
Times changed, however, and growing concerns over safety, fuel efficiency, environmental issues and insurance costs in the 1970s and 1980s diminished interest in muscle cars.
By 2002, when production of the Camaro ceased, all Mustang rivals had disappeared from the marketplace. Then, in 2004, Ford introduced a Mustang redesign embraced by auto writers and consumers.
"The 2007 Ford Mustang represents a deft blend of classic American muscle car styling cues and modern design," wrote the editors of "Whether you choose a V6 or V8, a coupe or convertible, this is one of the best values on the market for consumers seeking traditional rear-wheel-drive performance."
One reason for Mustang's longevity is the car's appeal to a wide range of car buyers.
"Mustang has two kinds of buyers," Owens said. "People under 40 and people over 40. That sounds like a joke, but its true. Our target customer "Drew" is a younger person who likes the Mustang because its basically cool. But our consumption customer is the baby boomer, who no longer needs a mini van or SUV and who fondly remembers the Mustang of their youth."
While neither competitor is in production yet, the Chevy Camaro concept made a stir at the 2006 North American International Auto Show. The production model is expected to be a coupe and reach showrooms during the first quarter of 2009. Specific details are unknown at this point, but GM indicates the Camaro will be offered in a variety of models with a choice of manual and automatic transmissions and V-6 and V-8 engines.
Daimler/Chrysler will debut its new Dodge Challenger in 2009. Details are even scarcer than for Camaro, but a Hemi engine is a good bet.
In another flashback, Ford announced it is reviving the legendary 5.0-liter 302 cubic inch V-8 engine for the aftermarket with a new line of BOSS 302 crate engines, which will go on sale in early 2007. Making its debut in 1969, the original BOSS 302 powered a limited production Mustang model sold for two years, which was known as the BOSS 302. The new line of BOSS crate engines will deliver up to 500 horsepower.
Despite challenges, Mustang's production streak looks destined to continue with sales up more than 30 percent in September 2006 compared with the same period in 2005. Mark Fields, executive vice president and president-The Americas, announced in September that at least one new Mustang variation would be introduced every year.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Since he's been able to drive, Nick Browning has been working to get his 1970 Chevelle fixed up and on the road.
But with three years passing, it seemed like a distant dream until he walked into a Mayo liquor store last week for a bottle of root beer and a scratch-off lottery ticket.
Now, the 19-year-old Edgewater resident is $100,000 richer and his Chevelle is on track to become the ultimate muscle car.
After putting $10 in the lottery machine at Lou's Liquors Sunday afternoon, Nick realized the light was out on the Holiday Magic ticket he wanted. But he pushed the button anyway, hoping to produce a winning ticket.
"When the light is out, it's usually sold out and there are none left," he said. "All they had left were $2 and $3 scratch-offs so I said, 'What the hell,' and bought it anyway. I didn't want to have to buy five $2 scratch-offs."
The machine managed to spit out one more ticket and Nick and his girlfriend, Abbye Lucas, took the ticket back to her house where they scratched it off together using his lucky 1899 half-dollar.
The coin was a gift from his father when he became an Eagle Scout and has been the lucky coin he carries in his wallet ever since.
"Honestly, I didn't believe it," he said. "Her reaction was the same as mine - couldn't believe it. The most I had won before was $100."
The disbelief soon turned to excitement when Nick realized what he could do with the cash.
Although his options were pretty wide with his newfound fortune, he managed to narrow them down to three things: pay off bills, put some money away toward buying a house and fix up his blue 1970 Chevelle.
The car was a gift from his father for the South River High School alum's good attendance and grades.
Nick has yet to drive the Chevelle he's had since he was 16, but already has plans for its pending makeover - a 454 big block engine and a four-speed manual transmission, among other things.
"It's been his dream to fix it up," said his father, Don Browning.. "He's the type of kid that has never been in trouble and it couldn't have happened to a nicer kid - he deserved it."
Nick called his parents to deliver the good news and even took the winning ticket back to the store to make sure his eyes weren't deceiving him.
"I was at home and got a phone call from my son," Mr. Browning said. "He asked me where I was at and if I was sitting down. I go 'Oh my God, he's wrecked the car.' "
When Nick told his father he had hit it big, Mr. Browning assumed it was $400, $500 at the most.
"I told him I didn't care where he was, but that he needed to get that ticket here and not let it out of his sight," Mr. Browning said. "This is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to us. It was just one of those things. We play and never win more than $4 or $5 and it's a fantastic experience."
Nick said he used to buy at least one lottery ticket a day and stopped for about two months before purchasing Sunday's winning ticket.
A third-year apprentice electrician at Dawson Electric by day and a student at night, Nick said friends didn't believe him either.
"I would consider him pretty lucky," Mr. Browning said. "He doesn't fall into things, but he makes his own luck. Nothing's handed to him, anything he does or gets or wins he gets on his own."
The guys at his work aren't making things any easier for him either, he said, teasing him about the cash and asking where their portion is.
"They know it's for real they are all excited for me," he said.
- No Jumps-
Friday, November 03, 2006
Check out this guy's driving skills. The Police must have thought he was never going down. But he eventually gets what's coming to him. It almost looks like he slows down so the cops can spin him. Have alook and see what you think.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Larry Edsall
This 2007 Mustang GT convertible stands out with its California Special body kit, 18-inch wheels and Shelby rear spoiler. See full image
About the SEMA show
What it is: The Specialty Equipment Market Association's annual trade show for custom and performance parts makers
Where: Las Vegas
When: Today through Friday
Information: Check out SEMA at The show's Web site is
SEMA highlights
Throughout the Specialty Equipment Manufacturing Association trade show this week Detroit's automakers will gladly discuss the history of American Muscle, this year's theme to the show.
While reveling in the past, they won't overlook the future, here are a few of their contributions for the upcoming show.
DaimlierChrysler AG
Will debut its Challenger SS concept Tuesday.
5. 7-liter Hemi powered Dodge Nitro: This "blackberry" colored Nitro packs 360 horses and 360-foot-pounds of torque, 22-inch wheels and second row bucket seats straight from a Dodge Viper.
Chrysler Sebring: Ralph Gilles personal favorite, this Sebring has a custom body kit, new grill, custom hood and 4-liter V6 and an all black interior with aluminum trimmed gauges.
Dodge Nitro Panel Truck: Back to the drag strip for this retro looking panel truck - loosely based on the old Chevy Nomad.
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited: A souped up four-door Wrangler adds a diesel engine and even more rugged exterior.
Ford Motor Co.
Will announce the return of its BOSS engine.
Ford Mustang: Expect lots of Mustangs at SEMA and this customized GT convertible will certainly stand out in its California Special body kit, 18-inch wheels, Shelby rear spoiler. Inside and under the hood, its is even better, with its Lycoming supercharger, Hurst shifter and custom leather interior.
Lincoln MKZ: A six-piece body kit by 3dCarbon gives the MKZ a longer, lower look. A similar kit will be shown on the MKX. The MKZ, as well as number of other Ford vehicles, will feature headrest mounted DVD players.
Ford F-150 FX2: Straight from Ford's accessory and parts catalogue, anyone could order the pieces necessary to build this beast, which uses an inter-cooled supercharger to create 450-horsepower. The roughly $13,000 price tag for parts doesn't include labor.
Ford Edge by H&R Special Strings: Dropped two inches, this low rider includes a Camtec custom composite front-bumper light pod and Hella Celis lamps.
Flexing American automotive muscle may have lost its appeal to some when gas prices soared, but not to true power aficionados. And they'll get a supercharged dose of it this week in Las Vegas.
The Specialty Equipment Market Association's annual trade show, opening today at the Las Vegas Convention Center, will cater to America's first customizers, who raced Mustangs, Camaros and Challengers long before tuners was a noun.
"Power is universal," said Jamie Allison, program manager for Ford Motor Co.'s racing technology performance group, "and people always want more."
They'll have plenty to see at this year's show, jointly sponsored for the first time by General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and DaimlerChrysler AG, which includes Chrysler. All three Detroit automakers have managed to cram big V-8s into some surprising sheet metal that will be on display at the show.
SEMA will not overlook the rest of the $34 billion custom and performance parts market, of course. The four-day event, which is not open to the public, will offer a 1-million-square-foot venue for 14 automakers and 2,000 custom and performance parts makers to show their wares and seek potential business partners.
Hundreds of refitted, decked out, totally made-over cars and trucks will be on display and about 120,000 people are expected to attend, said SEMA spokesman Peter MacGillivray. Think of it as "Pimp My Ride" meets "American Chopper" meets Steve Saleen.
The theme will be American muscle.
Back in the mid-1960s, the original muscle cars were family-style, midsize, hard-topped and two-door sedans into which some creative product planners and enterprising engineers planted huge and powerful V-8 engines. Thus was born the Pontiac GTO and Olds 4-4-2, Hemi-powered Dodge Chargers and Plymouth 'Cudas.
"In some ways, the original muscle car drivers were a lot like the tuners of today," MacGillivray said.
"They were working on improving the performance and looks of their vehicles."
For a modern look at muscle, Chrysler will have more than 60 vehicles at SEMA this year, including a 5.7-liter Hemi-powered Dodge Nitro, producing 360-horses, at the stand for its Mopar parts and accessories unit. Mopar will also unveil a Dodge Challenger SS concept car.
There will be eight vehicles from Chrysler's in-house Skunkworks team, a group of designers, engineers and others who work after-hours on projects coordinated by Ralph Gilles. Gilles designed the popular Chrysler 300 and now heads up truck design.
"These are like our children," Gilles said Friday while looking at the vehicles, which were still at Chrysler headquarters in Auburn Hills.
Concepts could see road
Gilles said while all of the vehicles are concepts, most are built with an eye toward eventually making it to the streets, either as a production model or through Mopar.
"These are the kinds of things we'd build in our garage if we had the chance," said product stylist Vince Galante. Galante designed the interior of a brawny 2007 Chrysler Sebring for display at SEMA that comes with a complete body kit, 20-inch tires and a Boston Acoustics stereo system that could make your ears bleed.
Not to be outdone, Ford will display a group of specially prepared Shelby GT500 Mustangs, as well as a supercharged Mustang GT in a California Special body kit.
Ford shows off kit
Ford will also showcase 3dCarbon body kits for the Ford Fusion and Lincoln MKZ sedans and the Lincoln MKX crossover, as well as a highly modified version of the Ford Edge crossover.
For a more complete power package, Ford will display a customized F-150 FX2 Sport Extreme pickup, which boasts a 450-horsepower 5.4-liter V-8 with an inter-cooled supercharger. The only thing more powerful than the engine on this truck is its high performance brakes.
GM's spin on American Muscle will focus on trucks, including a Chevrolet Silverado off-road concept designed with NASCAR racer Dale Earnhardt Jr., and a low-riding hauler concept done with the Teutul family, known for designing motorcycles on "American Chopper" TV show.
Yet another muscular pickup on the Chevy stand will be the Silverado 427. The historic 427 designation comes from the 427-cubic-inch, LS7 small-block V-8 engine under the hood that was borrowed from the Corvette Z06.
Some aftermarket designs for GM vehicles, such as a Cadillac Escalade EXT designed by DUB magazine, don't come from the automaker.
But Bob Walczyk, marketing and product manager for Chevrolet, said that isn't always a bad thing because the aftermarket can bring new life to production vehicles. "SEMA is where the aftermarket takes our product and extends our product. The vehicle is a canvas from an artist's perspective."
Automakers join show
Automakers have become big players at SEMA, essentially turning it into another auto show, because they see profit potential. A typical consumer spends up to $1,000 personalizing and customizing a car, said Christine Feuell, director of vehicle personalization and accessories at Ford. Truck buyers typically spend $1,500.
Detroit News Staff Writer Scott Burgess contributed to this report. Larry Edsall is a Phoenix-based freelance writer.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Take a video tour of the 2007 Ford Mustang GT. Enjoy!
Monday, October 23, 2006
A while back, the three-headed Jalopnik asked readers which Mustang variants from the past they'd most like to see come back. I voted Mercury Cougar, but then almost immediately realized how wrong I was when I ran into a bright-green 1971 Mustang Mach 1 at the liquor store. Well, never mind the past; here's one from the present: The 2007 Mustang
Building on the retrotastic good looks of the mostly beloved new 'Stang, the CS (for California Special) package adds the following: blingy 18" polished aluminum wheels (as opposed to matte 17s on the GT), faux side scoops, CS-specific striping, a much slicker and sportier looking front fascia and an honest to goodness rear diffuser, complete with flashier pipes. Short of the upcoming Shelby GT, this is the best looking new Mustang burning up the space between stoplights.
Your $3,000 over the base GT's MSRP also nets a "Parchment" interior and black leather seats with "GT Leather" inserts. And... that's it.
While mechanically identical to the common Mustang GTs prowling the boulevards of America, the CS offers one very noticeable performance difference: dramatically improved handling via the 18" wheels. It's to the point where I wonder why Ford even bothers with stock 17s. While it's cute (for about five minutes) that the base-level GT can hang its rear around any corner, the CS is a much more serious performance proposition. If you really give it some in a bend, the CS will happily wag its tail - and that's with the traction control on.
Obviously, what pistonheads love most about the Mustang is its engine. Sure it's a 9,000-year-old design, made from pig-iron and memories of cheap gas, but this bad mutha idles at 8 rpm. Not eight hundred, eight. At 80 mph you've barely broken 2,000 rpm. There's so much torque on tap (320 lbs-ft. at 4,500 rpm) it hardly matters what gear you're in. Just kick a little harder and it's a guarantee you'll be going much faster than the guy next to you.
Case in point. Finding myself traveling at a considerable clip in third gear with the engine purring along at 4,000 rpm -- just 500 revolutions from the three-valve 4.6-liter's sweet spot -- I goosed the throttle to pass slower traffic, and the mill started hurling thunder and lightning. Unlike most cars, which would be contemplating the end of the world in similar circumstances, the Mustang just shrugs then gets back to its nap.
Nonetheless, all of the usual Mustang (and by that I mean Ford) drawbacks are present: pathetic brakes, sloppy clutch, crappy shifter, underdone interior, pint-sized sway bars and frightening drive-line clunk. But these negatives should surprise no one and, most important, are forgivable due to the California Special's righteous on-road personality. Mustangs make men smile. If bona fide American grunt in relative comfort is your thing, you'd be hard pressed to find a better mistress than this latest Mustang derivative.
Exterior Design: *****
You either love the new Mustang, or you're European. Actually, that's not fair. Most Euros I've talked to fall into the love camp (there's this one prick in Dublin...). So, you either love it, or you're blind. The California Special edition increases the hotness with a blacked out front air dam that makes the Mustang look less bulky. A similarly dark diffuser surrounding the pipes does the same trick out back. The side profile is the least attractive aspect of the GT/CS, as there was nowhere to add black. Furthermore, the chrome GT badge has been dumped in favor of a stripe surrounding the painted-on GT/CS lettering. But no matter. There are only a handful of cars on the road better looking than this guy.
Interior Design: ***
The Mustang's interior is bi-polar. There's a horizontal line running across the center of it. Everything above that line is great: nice-looking aluminum plastic, custom vents and a gauge cluster that not only looks the part, it also changes color to suit your mood (I chose pink). Everything below this line, however, is craptacular Ford binnage. Much of what makes the CS's interior different from lesser 'Stangs was underneath my wide ass, so I didn't notice. Speaking of wide, check the transmission tunnel. This is one of the very worst cars on the market today for making out in. And the back seat is just as useless.
Acceleration: ****
This is a compared-to-what? proposition. Hitting sixty in five and a half seconds is fast, no matter you slice it. Unfortunately for the GT/CS's fifth star, I'd just driven the Shelby GT. And $30,000 will also net an EVO or an STI, both of which will do the deed a second quicker.
Braking: **
Recently, I downed three Churchill-style gin martinis and loudly inquired to a FoMoCoBro, "Why it is that Ford can't finish a product." My example? The Shelby GT's brakes, which are the same fade-a-rific, not-ready-for-prime-time stoppers found on the GT, and also found here on the GT/CS. Come on, Ford.
Ride: ***
At low speeds, the massive torque thrust of a firmly kicked pedal seems to overload both the driveline and the rear wheels, resulting in lots and lots of sick-sounding clunk. It feels bad, too. I'm blaming a not-up-to-snuff driveshaft and the archaic live rear axle. The Mustang is no pothole lover, either. However, once you get your motor running and head out on the highway, the 18" plates make the car a joy. A real joy. Like, if I woke up tomorrow and found the car fairy had stolen my WRX and replaced it a GT/CS, it would be cool.
Handling: ****
While still not a viable track-day implement, the GT/CS is not far off. The Kansas-flat torque curve and manual transmission means even if the Mustang prefers slopping into a corner, you can Saturn V your way out. And the GT/CS is not all that sloppy. The larger wheels add stability, and the rear's fine if the road's good. At speed, steering is responsive and meaty. If you take time to set up a corner the right way, you'll be rewarded. And while the car is too heavy for snap-oversteer, throttle-induced oversteer is a cop-attracting certainty. (Plus, as all cops are pistonheads at heart.)
Gearbox: *
Boo. First of all, $30,000 rides get six speeds; that's how it works. Second, I've driven both the Shelby GT with its short huckin' Hurst and the GT500 with its six-speed Tremec, and the Tremec is the best answer. Third, and most important, the shifter in the GT/CS sucks it. Fourth - the go-to gear -- is hard to get into and easy to miss. Moreover, shifting into any gear is a two-stage affair. You think it is going to go, then you reach the halfway point and it puts up a fight.
Audio/Video: *****
There's no video, but so what? Our tester came optioned with the awesome Shaker 1000 stereo. Two 500-watt subwoofers take up a quarter of the trunk. Simply epic sounds. I recommend the final four minutes of Opeth's Deliverance. Wendy Buggati's cover of Killdozer's A Man's Got To Be A Man from the tribute record "We Will Bury You" also rocks the light fantastic.
Toys: ***
All you get is the ability to dial up various RGB colors with which to light the instrument cluster. But that is seriously, fantastically cool.
Trunk: **
A fourth of the space is taken up by the Shaker's shakers. And the trunk is not very large to begin with.
Value: ****
Our tester came in just shy of $30,000, which is a hell of a lot of car for a modest amount of scratch. Still, all you really get for $5,000 over the standard GT is larger wheels, a better looking front and a diffuser out back. All that should be standard fare, anyhow.
Overall: ****
Like its own interior, the Mustang GT/CS is half crap, half totally fantastic. Kill the tranny, the brakes, the interior and the live rear-end, and Ford has a bona fide winner. I can't stress this last part enough; off the top of my head, I can think of three, maybe four times I've experienced motoring nirvana in modern cars. Two times were in V8 Mustangs, one of which was in this blue beauty. Ford: Sweat the small stuff. You're so close.
Why you should buy this car: You like American cars -- big, fast and sloppy at the limit. (If they weren't, what would Euro snobs have to brag about, soccer?) To your mind, dumping the clutch never died, it just faded away. You consider the Shaker 1000 stereo to be what the Infiniti G35's Studio on Wheels by Bose is to audiophiles. You don't mind the cops pulling you over to ask questions about your car.
Why you shouldn't buy this car: You're an Asiaphile who's aware that, for the same money, you can get a faster, better handling and possibly more fuel-efficient EVO/STI. You lament that the gearbox, interior and brakes are all not built Ford tough. You enjoy autocrossing and in-car sex.
Suitability Parameters:
· Speed Merchants: Yes
· Fashion Victims: Yes
· Treehuggers: No
· Mack Daddies: Yes
· Tuner Crowd: Yes
· Hairdressers: No
· Penny Pinchers: No
· Euro Snobs: No
· Working Stiffs: No
· Technogeeks: No
· Poseurs: No
· Soccer Moms: No
· Nascar Dads: Yes
· Golfing Grandparents: No
· Manufacturer: Ford
· Model tested: Ford Mustang GT California Special
· Model year: 2007
· Price as Tested: $29,985
· Engine type: 4.6L OHV V8
· Horsepower: 300 hp @ 5750 rpm
· Torque: 320lbs. ft. @ 4500
· Redline: 6250 rpm
· Wheels and Tires: 18" Polished Aluminum wheels w/ performance tires
· Drive type: rear-wheel drive
· 0 - 60: 5.5 seconds
· 1/4 mile: 14.1seconds
· Fuel economy city/highway: 17/25
· NHTSA crash test rating front/side/rollover: 4/na/5
Classic American muscle cars USA Ford Mustang GT
– Jonny Lieberman
Friday, October 20, 2006
Shelby GT500 much improved over the original
The 2007 Ford Shelby GT500 is stiff, stiff, stiff, stiff.
The ride is stiff. The steering is stiff. The clutch is stiff. The shifter is stiff.
Therein lies the charm.
This is the modern evocation of a classic muscle car. If it were not stiff, it would not require muscle.
Of course, the muscle designation refers to power, not effort. In this case, we're talking about a hot 500 horsepower from a 4.6-liter V-8 engine with 32 valves, twin overhead camshafts and a supercharger.
It's hooked to a six-speed manual gearbox that transfers the engine's 480 foot-pounds of torque to the rear wheels, which are bolted to an old-fashioned solid rear axle. No automatic transmission is offered.
Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, muscle cars were the rage. But they were spooky, with imprecise handling and questionable brakes. Ford pumped up its Mustang, the original pony car, by turning it over to performance impresario Carroll Shelby.
The result was the Shelby GT350 and the Shelby GT500, which were the hottest Mustangs of the era. With the introduction of the current-generation Mustang, Ford decided to return to those thrilling days of yesteryear by styling the new car close to what it looked like in 1967.
Naturally, that had to be followed by the 2007 Shelby GT500, which bears the distinction of being the most powerful Mustang ever made.
Mr. Shelby himself concedes that the early Mustangs that bore his name left a lot to be desired. "Great engines, couldn't turn, couldn't stop," is how he described it.
But that was then, 40 years ago, when suspension, steering and brake design lagged behind engine development.
Mr. Shelby also concedes privately that he had little to do with the new GT 500. He describes himself as a businessman, not an engineer, and credits the new car's tingling high performance to the engineers from Ford's Special Vehicle Team. They get their due on the car, which carries the SVT initials on the door sill plates.
But despite the fact that Mr. Shelby is a midlevel octogenarian, his name remains magic among automobile aficionados who value brute power as expressed in good old Detroit iron.
The new car, however, is far from good old. Like the Mustang on which it is based, the GT500 benefits from sophisticated, computer-generated design and engineering that come together in a package that not only has awesome power but handling and braking that are enhanced by traction control, antilock brakes and electronic brake force distribution.
That translates into fuss-free hustle around tight turns, on a race track or twisting mountain road, as well as stops from freeway speeds that happen in less time than it takes to tell about it. On the performance front, the GT500 does not have a significant flaw, unlike its predecessors of four decades ago.
But it does have some of the old feel. Climb into the driver's seat, and the high hood stretches out to the horizon. The GT500 has that old long hood, short deck design that almost makes it feel as if you're driving from the back seat.
Like other Mustangs, it has a back seat that can accommodate a couple of adults, as long as they're agile and of small stature. There's no sliding passenger seat to ease entry into the back. The trunk is small but useful.
But the GT500 is not about practicality or accommodations. What it delivers is the thrill of raw power as you slam your way through the gears. Despite the stiffness, it is easy to drive smoothly, and the V-8 engine has the sort of rumble and rap that gets the juices flowing.
It is accompanied by a marvelous aural treat -- a whine, the source of which can only be imagined as you punch the pedal in second and third gears. Is it the supercharger, or is it old-fashioned gear whine, of the sort you'd hear from a powerful 1930s era Packard or Cadillac in a noir movie?
Whatever, it's exciting in a way you cannot experience in more refined machinery. It's something like running a powerful V-twin Harley-Davidson motorcycle next to a slick Suzuki performance bike.
Though it looks terrific from the outside, way better than its oddly shaped predecessors of yore, and especially with the blue-and-white striped American racing colors, the GT500 has a plain-vanilla interior, serviceable but nothing to challenge a designer look. The front bucket seats are better than those in 99 percent of the Mustangs ever made, but still lack a bit of lateral support.
The base price of the Shelby GT500 is $42,975 and, with a $1,300 gas guzzler tax and a few options that included an upgraded Shaker audio system with a six-disc CD changer, the suggested price came to $44,880.
But that's irrelevant.
The Shelby GT500 has created such a buzz among the faithful that some of them have paid $20,000 and more above the sticker price simply to be among the first to impress their friends at the local drive-in. Better to wait until things settle down.
By Frank Aukofer
Classic American Muscle Cars Ford Shelby GT500
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
by Jerry Gappens
CONCORD, N.C. -- The 13th annual Goodguys Southeastern Nationals on Oct. 27-29 will bring more than 3,000 unique cars from two dozen states to Lowe's Motor Speedway. One of the classic rides will be a 1964 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu Super Sport owned by Concord resident and Hendrick Motorsports fabricator John Curran.
Curran has been a member of the Goodguys Rod and Custom Association for over 15 years and has been working on cars most of his life. Originally from Vermont, the 58-year-old Curran has lived in the Charlotte area for 11 years.
He's worked in Hendrick Motorsports' chassis department for four years, and currently serves as a fabricator on the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series cars driven by Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson.
Away from work, Curran's most recent fabrication project was a 1936 Chevrolet pickup truck he completely rebuilt.
'We built that from a basket case,' Curran explained. 'We bought it down in South Carolina and it was just a cab and frame, we built everything.'
It took Curran two years to finish the pickup truck and he drove it for three years. Then in March, he decided its cramped quarters were a bit much for his family.
"The pickup was just a little too small for us. So I sold the '36 to a lady in Virginia and bought the Chevelle," he said. "We couldn't take the grand babies in the little '36 pickup, so one of the reasons we picked up the Chevelle was because it had a back seat and we could take the kids."
The Super Sport version of the 1964 Chevelle Malibu was one of Chevrolet's early entries into the muscle-car era. The two-door sedan weighed 3,000 pounds, was available only with a V-8 engine and featured slotted wheels to help cool the brakes.
Official production figures claim that only 67,100 Malibu Super Sports were built in 1964, so it's a bit ironic that Curran's car has North Carolina roots.
"This Chevelle originally came out of Taylorsville, N.C. A 70-year-old man had it and he didn't drive it at all. It was kept in storage," Curran said. "I met him at a rod run in March and ended up buying the Chevelle from him."
Other than a new paint job and a rebuilt transmission, Curran's bright red Malibu SS is still much like the day it rolled off the assembly line 42 years ago. That's what attracted Curran to the car.
"It's all original. It's a Super Sport Chevelle with a four-speed transmission and a 327-cubic-inch V-8," he said. "I really liked the car. It had a good body and I was a little tired of redoing those old rust buckets."
Curran says owning a classic car is always a work in progress, and has future plans for his Chevelle.
"We're probably going to rebuild the engine, redo the front end and I'm updating the drive line as I go," he said. "But I love the car. I drive it to work everyday. The guys at the race shop like going out to lunch in it."
The 13th annual Goodguys Southeastern Nationals will feature more than 3,000 pre-1972 hot rods, street rods, customs, classics, muscle cars and trucks.
Also included in the weekend-the fastest growing show on the Goodguys calendar-is a manufacturer's midway, swap meet, car corral area with vehicles for sale, model car and pedal car show plus a chance to ride around the famous 1.5 mile Lowe's Motor Speedway oval at 130-plus miles per hour in the passenger seat of a NASCAR NEXTEL Cup race car.
Saturday night will see the return of the popular Cruise Under the Lights, where hundreds of hot rods and customs take to the 1.5-mile superspeedway for several laps.
Tickets for the Oct. 27-29 Goodguys Southeastern Nationals will be available on event days. General admission is $15 for adults with children ages 7 to 12 admitted for $6. Children 6 and under are admitted free.
For information, contact the Lowe's Motor Speedway events department at (704) 455-3205 or visit or
Classic American Muscle Cars
Friday, October 06, 2006
Russo and Steele Collector Automobile Auction, ranked one of the “Big Three” auctions of the year to attend, presents a unique journey with the exclusive Muscle Car 1000 tour. Russo and Steele is proud to be the founding sponsor of Muscle Car 1000’s second annual tour. It is a week (September 25-30, 2006) of luxury, camaraderie and excitement for muscle car enthusiasts.
Russo and Steele is proud to be the founding sponsor of Muscle Car 1000’s second annual tour. This week of luxury, camaraderie and excitement occurred September 25-30, 2006. The second annual Muscle Car 1000 adventure commenced at the Bacara Resort in Santa Barbara and then made stops at Morro Bay, Cambria, Paso Robles, and Napa Valley, with the finale staged in a return to Santa Barbara. Muscle Car 1000 donates fifty percent of the profits from this event to HeRO, the Hunger Relief Organization.
To become a participant in the Muscle Car 1000, the registrant must have a qualifying car. A qualifying car is a 1964-1973 American muscle car, a 1962-1968 Cobra, or a 1958-1973 Corvette. In order to keep Muscle Car 1000 an intimate experience it is limited to 30 teams (one car, two participants).
This year’s trip included participants ranging from a 1970 Skylark GS Stage 1 to a 1968 Shelby GT 500 KR convertible. Drew and Josephine Alcazar, owners of Russo and Steele Collector Automobile Auction, drove their 1974 AMC Javelin AMX 401 Maxi Blue four-speed. Fewer than twenty-five 401 four-speeds were produced in 1974 and Maxi Blue is extremely rare. The founders of Muscle Car 1000, Chris Hoskins and his wife, Michelle, drove the 1968 Shelby GT 500 KR; the only one of its kind shipped to the Western United States.
The friendship between Russo and Steele and Muscle Car 1000 developed while Drew and Josephine were participants in the inaugural journey. Drew and Josephine realized the unique, once in a lifetime, experience that this event gave automotive enthusiasts’ and couldn’t wait to partake in their second annual voyage. Josephine said “this event has something for everyone to enjoy.”
Muscle Car 1000 adventurers look forward to this week every year. It is not only the many facets of the tour (ranging from exclusive hotels and spas, fine dining experiences at locations like the Cask Room at Merryvale Winery and the Cave Room under the Eberle Winery, private tours of Monterey Bay Aquarium and Hearst Castle, drag racing at Infineon Raceway, a Concours d’ Elegance and the hundreds of breath taking miles of California coastline), but also the kinship formed amongst the participating drivers.
For additional information on participants, venues, or for pictures, please contact Stephanie Quinn at Stephanie @
Russo and Steele Collector Automobiles is one of the nation’s premier collector car auctions; specializing in European sports cars, American muscle cars, hot rods and customs cars. Two auctions are staged each year with the signature auction taking place in Scottsdale, Arizona every January, followed by Monterey, California in August.
Classic American Muscle Car
Friday, September 29, 2006
Jim Daly remembers his son, Randy, through their mutual love for a 1970 Chevelle Malibu
CRESCO - By Zach Jensen,
General Manager; Randy Daly bought a 1970 Chevelle Malibu in 1979 - when he was 17 years old. For two years, he worked on it whenever he could in hopes of someday having a classic muscle car fit enough to be driven in parades, but in 1981, it seemed that hope may have never become a reality - after the young Cresco man died in a tragic car accident near Ridgeway.
Jim Daly, Randy's father, knew his son's love of that car, and after three years of dealing with the loss of his son, Jim began picking up where Randy left off - restoring that classic old Chevelle to its original condition.
'I wanted to do it in his honor,' Jim said. 'To keep his memory going.'
Jim began restoring the car in 1984, and in 1985, the car was show ready. The result is a cherry 350-V8, double-barreled, 300 horse 1970 Chevelle Malibu with four on the floor, polished chrome grill and bumpers, Keystone Classic mags and a near-perfect body - all with just over 70,000 original miles.
'That's for him,' Jim said, as he revved the engine while driving the old muscle car past the cemetery where Randy is buried one day last week. "I like to let him know she's still running strong.
Jim said he puts on an average of about 600 miles each year, going to shows around the region. In 2003, the car won the plaque for having the Best Classic Set of Goodyear Tires at the Cruise to Cresco car show. In 2004, the car won Best Chevelle, and in 2005 the Malibu was elected as the show's poster car.
"This car really brings back the memories," Jim said with a smile. "It's just one of the old, classic muscle cars. They don't make them like this anymore."
Cresco-area car enthusiasts will enjoy having even more memories and probably a few aspirations this weekend, when the annual Cruise to Cresco car show fills downtown Cresco with polished chrome, candy apple finishes and purring engines of yesterday."
Classic Muscle Cars
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Baby boomers drive muscle-car madness
By Terrence Petty
Associated Press
SEASIDE, Ore. – Gleaming in the sun on a street of this coastal town is the Holy Grail of many a young man in the 1960s and ’70s. It’s a muscle car.
A Plymouth Road Runner, to be precise. Vintage: 1969. Engine displacement: 383 cubic inches. Horsepower: 330. Color: scorch red. It belongs to baby boomer David Keith, and is the second love of his life – next to his wife.
Keith had wanted a Road Runner as a teenager, and bought this one used when he was in college, spotting it in the back lot of a Portland Chevrolet dealership in 1973.
“I had stars in my eyes for this car,” the 53-year-old says.
“Eight years ago I decided either to sell it or redo it. I chose to redo it. We did a ground-up restoration. This is the car of my youth, and I kept it.”
The Road Runner was among scores of vintage muscle cars lining the streets of Seaside for the annual Muscle Beach Cruz – Pontiac GTOs, Dodge Super Bees, Oldsmobile 442s, Chevy Chevelle Super Sports, Ford Torino GTs, Plymouth ’Cudas.
With their big, growling V-8 motors, stripped-down looks and often spartan interiors, these muscle cars were lusted after by young bucks in the Vietnam War era. As baby boomers head into their retirement years, many are lusting again after these relics of their youth.
There’s nothing subtle or refined about muscle cars. They were built to burn rubber, taking off from a standing start like Apollo rockets – dragsters for the street.
With the 1973-74 oil crisis, muscle cars gave way to vehicles that didn’t have to make as many trips to the gas pump and weren’t so expensive to insure. But in the past few years, they have become among the hottest commodities for collectors.
Baby boomers “are realizing they’re not going to live forever,” said Keith Martin, editor and publisher of Sports Car Market magazine and a commentator at the annual Barrett-Jackson car auction in Scottsdale, Ariz.
At the Barrett-Jackson auction, an extravaganza that sells all kinds of vehicles, muscle car sales rose from $6.7 million in 2003 to nearly $40 million this year, the auction house said.
Dana Mecum, another car auctioneer, began specializing in vintage muscle cars over the past few years. “A good friend of mine said ... why don’t you forget about chasing Duesenbergs and Ferraris? Chase what your customers are already buying,” said Mecum, president of Mecum Auctions in Marengo, Ill. At Mecum’s spring auction, sales have risen from $4 million in 2003 to $30 million this year.
There’s so much nostalgia that American car companies have begun making modern versions of these cars. They resemble their ancestors in looks and horsepower. But the new cars outshine the relics in sophistication, technology, cornering ability and gas mileage – which can be more than twice that of classic muscle cars.
Dodge has brought back the Charger and is introducing a new Challenger in 2008. A new Chevrolet Camaro will hit showroom floors in 2009.
Mileage in the single digits was the norm for muscle cars of the 1960s and 1970s, and their braking and cornering left much to be desired.
The Internet makes it easier than ever to find vintage muscle cars, said Tony Begley, owner of, which sells them via the Web.
“Now you may live in Fairbanks, Alaska, get on the Internet and find that dream car,” Begley said in a phone interview from Wauconda, Ill.
Scads of Web sites are devoted to muscle cars. Many go right for the enthusiast’s heart, showing, for example, videos of Shelby GTs, GTOs and Plymouth Superbirds scorching rubber.
Classic american muscle cars
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
"SOLD" The Last Corvette.
The "Last" Corvette, one of the most legendary sports cars in American automotive history, will be sold at No Reserve during the 36th Annual Barrett-Jackson Collector Car Event from January 13-21, 2007, in Scottsdale, Arizona. The car is documented as the last 1967 Corvette of the C-2 series production, which is commonly identified as the greatest design in the American muscle car's rich history. The January auction will feature more than 1,100 of the world's finest collector automobiles, attract over 225,000 visitors, and be featured on SPEED with 40 hours of live coverage.
"Being the absolute final car of a world-famous model makes this one of the most collectible cars in the world," says Craig Jackson, president of the Barrett-Jackson Auction Company. "It's exciting to think that someone will leave the Barrett-Jackson Auction with the last C-2 series Corvette ever built." Steve Davis, senior vice president of Barrett-Jackson Auction Company, who consigned the car adds, "We've followed this car as it has gained headlines and popularity throughout the country, and are pleased that it will be sold at our Scottsdale event."
The "Last" Corvette is a 1967 Coupe optioned with a L-36 427-390 hp engine, factory air conditioning, dual side exhaust, power steering, telescopic steering column, 3.55 positrac, M-21 close ratio transmission, AM/FM radio, tinted glass and red stripe tires. The signature components are complemented by a classic Silver Pearl exterior and black interior. This legend underwent a major restoration to recapture its clean looks and ferocious bite. Shortly after purchasing the "Last" Corvette in June 2005, Terry Michaelis and his group of specialists at ProTeam Classic Corvette Collection and Sales embarked on a restoration that grabbed automotive headlines throughout the country. From stripping the Chevrolet to its chassis to sewing the last seat cover, ProTeam and numerous high profile restorers returned this classic to stardom.
"This car symbolizes the end of an era in the long history of Corvette body types," says Michaelis. "As the last of the C2 series, it is certainly a one-in-a-million collectible vehicle, particularly among Corvette enthusiasts and car investors."
Also known as "The Caboose," the "Last" Corvette has been displayed, photographed, modeled, and admired in nearly every way possible. Beginning in late January 2006, just days after the final restorations were complete, the car was debuted at the National Corvette Restorers Society's Winter Regional, where it earned a Top Flight award.
As the "Last" Corvette draws closer to auction, it will be previewed and showcased at Barrett-Jackson's booth in Hot Rod Alley at the Specialty Equipment Market Association Show on October 31-November 3, 2006, in Las Vegas. The car's last stop before the Barrett-Jackson Auction will be at the Fall Chevy Vettefest on November 18-19, 2006, in Chicago.
In addition to the show tour, the "Last" Corvette will be featured in a SPEED series titled "American Muscle Car: The Last Stingray," which will chronicle the famous car's history and restoration. The series will include six episodes with the first episode premiering on December 7, 2006. The following five episodes will air in consecutive weeks leading up to the Barrett-Jackson Auction.
Last year, more than 300,000 attendees and millions of television viewers from around the world witnessed over 1,600 cars being auctioned off for approximately $135 million at the two 2006 Barrett-Jackson Collector Car Events held in Scottsdale and Palm Beach, Florida.
technorati tags:claasic, american, muscle, cars, chevrolet, corvette, stingray
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Chevrolet may sell the famed muscle car in EuropeBy Jason Stein
MUNICH, Germany -- Chevrolet Europe executives are studying whether to bring the Camaro sports coupe to Europe.
Last month, General Motors confirmed it will build a new version of the American muscle car based on a concept unveiled at the 2006 Detroit auto show.
Although the Camaro concept vehicle has not been shown in Europe, Chevrolet Europe is considering importing and selling it here.
"I want the car for our lineup," Wayne Brannon, executive director of Chevrolet Europe, told Automotive News Europe. "But we want it to be a good business case. We are considering it."
Brannon said he would like to make a decision by the first quarter of next year. He said a number of factors will be considered in the decision, including engineering issues for Europe, emission requirements and volume.
"We would not look at it as a huge volume opportunity," Brannon said. "But the project has to make sense."
Chevrolet Europe says there already has been a positive reaction to the car from dealers and customers.
The sales expectations probably won't be large because American muscle cars are minor players in the European market.
Ford, for example, sold 441 Mustangs through six months this year, according to British market researcher JATO Dynamics. That's down from 463 during the same period last year but up substantially from 2004, when Ford sold just 70.
Coupes are also a niche segment. In the last two years, carmakers have sold an average of 30,000 units as customers increasingly switch to the coupe-cabriolet segment. That market is now nearly 10 times the size of the coupe segment, JATO reports.
GM will begin production of the Camaro at the end of 2008 in Oshawa, Ontario, and the car will go on sale in the United States in early 2009.Classic American Muscle Cars Chevrolet Camaro
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
2007 Dodge Charger - The Full Spec.
The 2007 Dodge Charger is a modern-styled, four-door coupe that combines rear-wheel-drive muscle car power, sports car handling and leading-edge technology to deliver a thrilling driving experience. New for 2007 are optional all-wheel-drive models that offer best-in-passenger-car, four-season traction.
“We’ve combined American rear-wheel-drive muscle car genes with 21st century DaimlerChrysler performance, safety and customer-convenience technology to make the Dodge Charger a fun-to-drive, affordable, five-passenger sedan,” said George Murphy, Senior Vice President – Global Marketing, Chrysler Group. “By adding all-wheel drive forimproved traction in snow and wet-weather conditions, the 2007 Charger offers even more exciting choices in the passenger car market.”
The 2007 Dodge Charger is equipped with a 250 hp V-6 engine and five-speed automatic transmission with Auto Stick. Standard features include Electronic Stability Program (ESP), all-speed traction control system (TCS) and four-wheel, anti-lock brakes (ABS). The available 5.7-liter HEMI® V-8 engine offers 340 hp and delivers a 0-60-mph time of approximately 6 seconds. The V-8 HEMI engine is equipped with a Multi-displacement System (MDS) that transparently shuts down four of the eight cylinders when full V-8 power is not needed, improving fuel economy as much as 20 percent without sacrificing vehicle performance.
Dodge Charger’s integrated safety and security features provide exceptional occupant protection on the road. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) gave the Dodge Charger a five-star rating for driver and front-passenger protection in a frontal crash, the highest rating in the U.S. government’s safety crash-test program.
“WHAT’S NEW FOR 2007 Dodge Charger”
- Two additional models join the stable of Charger offerings in 2007: the SXT and R/T with all-wheel drive (AWD). The rear-wheel-drive (RWD) SXT remains a package offering
- Updated palette offers eight exterior colors:
- Bright Silver Metallic Clear Coat
- Brilliant Black Crystal Pearl Coat
- Inferno Red Crystal Pearl Coat
- Marine Blue Pearl Coat
- Silver Steel Metallic Clear Coat
- Steel Blue Metallic Clear Coat
- Stone White Clear Coat
- TorRed
- New decklid spoiler and 18-inch chrome-clad aluminum wheels — optional on SXT (RWD) package
- AM/FM/Six-CD/full-map DVD-based navigation radio with GPS — optional on SXT
- SIRIUS Satellite Radio with first-year subscription provided by SIRIUS — standard on R/T
Powertrain / Chassis
- All-wheel drive with 38/62 front/rear torque split — standard on SXT and R/T (AWD) models
- New 18-inch ultra-bright aluminum wheels — standard on R/T
- New 18-inch chrome-clad aluminum wheels — optional on SXT and R/T (RWD) models
- New 20-inch chrome-clad aluminum wheels and 245/45ZR20 all-season performance tires — standard with the Daytona R/T package and Road/Track Performance Group
Safety & Security
- Automatic oil change alert
- Low-risk deployment air bags
- Power adjustable pedals — standard on R/T
- Convenience Group III package bundles automatic headlamps, one-touch express up/down front windows and dual-zone automatic temperature control (ATC) — optional on SXT
- Enhanced Road/Track Performance Group package now includes 20-inch chrome-clad aluminum wheels, 245/45ZR20 all-season performance tires, front chin and rear decklid spoilers, and five exterior color offerings; in addition to equipment previously included — optional on R/T (RWD)
Trevor Creed, Senior Vice President – Design: “The flavor of the American muscle car is evident in the 2007 Dodge Charger, yet it has its own unique, modern character. The updated coupe styling and fastback design create a modern statement of power with all the versatility of a four-door sedan.”
Trevor Creed, Senior Vice President – Design: “Designers sculpted a bold, stunning four-door coupe with the aggressive performance to back up the Charger name. Clearly a Dodge, it will not be mistaken for any other car on the street or track.”
The 2007 Dodge Charger is a fresh execution of modern muscle with the convenience and interior capacity of a full-size passenger car. Boasting the longest wheelbase in its class, the Charger features room for five adults and enough trunk space to meet the demands of active lifestyles. Dodge Charger’s seating position is more than 2 inches higher than the previous-generation Dodge sedan, which gives a comfortable command-of-the-road view for driver and front passenger.
The exterior design of the Dodge Charger features a long, muscular character line that defines the front corners, runs back to the rear door and makes way for a large rear fender, which gives notice that the car is rear-wheel-drive powered. The profile of the Dodge Charger’s roofline and the sloping fastback style suggest a sense of speed, while the front end is strong with a sinister sneer.
Craig Love, Vice President – Rear-Wheel Drive Platform Team: “Modern technologies allowed us to bring a 21st century muscle car to market with the ride-and-handling characteristics inherent in rear-wheel drive. And, new for 2007, the Dodge Charger lineup includes all-wheel-drive models that add outstanding performance and stability under all driving conditions.”
The 2007 Dodge Charger rear-wheel-drive models feature outstanding performance and handling, near 50-50 weight distribution and unique suspensions that provide just the right level of driving characteristics for all Charger customers.
The new 2007 Dodge Charger all-wheel-drive models provide excellent cornering balance under all driving conditions and improved traction in snow and wet-weather conditions. By driving continuously through all four wheels, the all-wheel-drive system, combined with standard ESP, all-speed TCS and four-wheel ABS, adds outstanding performance and stability under all traction conditions.
The optional Road/Track Performance Group has been enhanced for the 2007 Dodge Charger and offers larger 245/45ZR20 all-season performance tires and 20-inch chrome-clad aluminum wheels. Tuned for firmer handling, this package is available on the 2007 V-8 HEMI-powered Charger R/T model. Package items include perforated seats with preferred suede inserts; automatic temperature control; heated front seats; eight-way power front-passenger seat; express up-down front windows; automatic headlamps; rear deck lid and front fascia spoilers; load-leveling and height-control shocks; and performance suspension, steering, brakes, exhaust and induction system.
Modern coupe styling with four-door functionality:
- The high beltline, aggressive roofline and coupe-like profile hint at past designs, but the 2007 Dodge Charger is a fresh execution of modern muscle
- With a contemporary design to back up its power, sports car handling and cutting-edge technology, today’s consumers will appreciate the added function, convenience and interior capacity of a full-size passenger car
American rear-wheel-drive muscle car genes - A short- and long-arm (SLA) front suspension system combined with a five-link independent rear suspension system are tuned to provide spirited driving and handling performance to match Dodge Charger’s personality
- All Dodge Charger models are equipped standard with a five-speed automatic transmission with Auto Stick to provide a full range of transmission performance to match a variety of driving styles and situations
Of course, its got a HEMI! - Unmatched performance in its segment, the optional V-8 HEMI offers 340 hp and 390 lb.-ft. of torque, delivering 0-60-mph time of approximately 6 seconds
- Fuel-conscious 5.7-liter HEMI V-8 engine with MDS transparently shuts down four of the eight cylinders when V-8 power is not needed, giving the driver all the benefits of a HEMI V-8 with V-6-like fuel economy
Safety and security:
- All Dodge Charger models are equipped with advanced technology, including ESP with Brake Assist, all-speed traction control system and four-wheel ABS, that improves handling and accident avoidance
- Available all-wheel-drive models add outstanding performance and stability under all driving conditions
- Additional passive and active safety features include rear-sill reinforcement and structure, energy-absorbing steering column, advanced multi-stage driver and front-passenger air bags and available side-curtain air bags
- Dodge Charger has received a five-star frontal crash rating for driver and front-passenger safety from NHTSA
Customer convenience technology - Dodge Charger offers available Boston Acoustics audio systems; AM/FM/six-CD/cassette stereo with MP3 capability; 5.8-inch full-screen, DVD-based navigation system; and a rear-seat DVD Video Entertainment System (VES®) with 7-inch screen
- Standard SIRIUS Satellite Radio with first-year subscription provided by SIRIUS and power adjustable pedals on Dodge Charger R/T models
- UConnect® Hands-free Communication System uses Bluetooth® global standard technology and includes automatic-dimming rearview mirror
2007 Dodge Charger SE (Rear-wheel Drive)
Standard Features
- Rear-wheel-drive configuration
- 3.5-liter High Output V-6 engine – 250 hp (186 kW) and 250 lb.-ft. (340 N•m) of torque
- Five-speed automatic transmission with Auto Stick
- 17-inch steel wheels with bolt-on wheel covers
- 18-gallon fuel tank
- Air conditioning with manual temperature controls
- All-speed TCS
- AM/FM/CD stereo with an auxiliary audio input jack and four speakers
- Body-color grille, door handles and bodyside moldings
- Cloth front bucket seats
- Driver and passenger adjustable lumbar support
- Driver and passenger power mirrors
- Driver-side one-touch-down power windows
- ESP with Brake Assist
- Low-risk deployment air bags
- Oil change alert
- Outside-temperature display
- Power four-wheel ABS
- Power locks
- Rack-and-pinion steering
- Rear-window defroster
- Remote keyless, illuminated entry
- Sentry Key® Engine Immobilizer system
- Solar-control window glass
- Speed control with instrument panel indicator light
- Tilt and telescoping steering column
- Touring suspension with 215/65R17 all-season tires
Optional Features / Packages
- Convenience Group I including power adjustable pedals and power eight-way driver Seat
- Protection Group includes supplemental side-curtain air bags, self-sealing tires and air filtration
- SIRIUS Satellite Radio with first-year subscription provided by SIRIUS
- SXT package adds the following standard features: 17-inch machined-face, cast-aluminum wheels; 276-watt six-speaker Boston Acoustics sound system; 60-40 split-folding rear Seat with armrest and cup holder; chromed grille surround with bright grille crosshairs; fog lamps; illuminated visor vanity mirrors; leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob; power eight-way driver seat; and Satin Silver center-stack bezels
The rear-wheel-drive Dodge Charger with the SXT package offers the following additional options:
- 18-inch chrome-clad aluminum wheels
- 18-inch machined-aluminum wheels
- AM/FM/cassette/six-CD stereo with MP3 capability
- AM/FM/six-CD stereo and 5.8-inch full-screen, DVD-based navigation system with global positioning system (GPS)
- Comfort Seating Group, including heated, leather, eight-way power front seats
- Convenience Group III, including automatic temperature control, express up-down front windows and automatic headlamps
- Leather-trimmed seats
- Power adjustable pedals
- Rear decklid spoiler
- Rear-seat DVD VES
- Sun roof
- UConnect Hands-free Communication System using Bluetooth global standard technology with auto-dimming interior rearview mirror
2007 Dodge Charger SXT (All-wheel Drive)
Standard Features
In addition to all the standard and optional features on the rear-wheel-drive Dodge Charger with the SXT package, the Charger SXT all-wheel-drive model adds the following:
- 18-inch polished-aluminum wheels
- 19-gallon fuel tank
- Front differential and transfer case
- Performance disc brakes
- Unique all-wheel-drive front suspension
Dodge Charger R/T (Rear-wheel Drive)
Standard Features
In addition to all standard features on the Dodge Charger SE and the Charger with the SXT package, the rear-wheel-drive Dodge Charger R/T adds/replaces the following:
- 5.7-liter HEMI V-8 engine – 340 hp (254 kW) and 390 lb.-ft. (525 N•m) of torque
- MDS – improving fuel economy as much as 20 percent
- 18-inch Ultra-bright aluminum wheels
- 19-gallon fuel tank
- Body-color, folding, heated mirrors
- Dual exhaust with bright tips
- Five-speed automatic transmission with enhanced Auto Stick
- Performance four-wheel, anti-lock disc brakes
- Power adjustable pedals
- Premium leather interior trim
- Security alarm with panic button on key fob
- SIRIUS Satellite Radio with first-year subscription provided by SIRIUS
Optional Features/Packages
In addition to optional features on the Dodge Charger SE and the Charger with the SXT package, the rear-wheel-drive 2007 Dodge Charger R/T offers the following:
- Convenience Group II, including automatic temperature control, heated front seats, eight-way power passenger seat, express up/down windows, automatic headlamps
- Electronic Convenience Group, including reconfigurable instrument panel, a compass and Electronic Vehicle Information Center, which adds trip computer, security alarm, steering wheel-mounted audio controls and HomeLink universal transceiver
- Sound Group II, including seven-speaker Boston Acoustics sound system with 368-watt digital amplifier and AM/FM/six-CD/cassette stereo with MP3 capability
- Enhanced Road/Track Performance Group, including perforated seats with suede inserts; automatic temperature control; heated front seats; eight-way power passenger seat; express up-down front windows; automatic headlamps; rear deck lid and front fascia spoilers; load-leveling and height-control shocks; 20-inch chrome-clad aluminum wheels; 245/45ZR20 all-season performance tires; performance steering, suspension and brakes; and a performance exhaust and induction system, which provides an additional 10 hp to the HEMI V-8 engine (RWD only)
- Daytona R/T package, including all items listed in the enhanced Road/Track Performance Group plus HEMI-orange engine cover, “HEMI” and “Daytona” decal package; Daytona serialized badge; unique, limited-production high-impact exterior paint colors and body-color instrument panel bezel (RWD only)
2007 Dodge Charger R/T (All-wheel Drive)
Standard Features
In addition to all the standard and optional features on the rear-wheel-drive Dodge Charger R/T, the all-wheel-drive Charger R/T adds the following:
- 18-inch polished-aluminum wheels
- Front differential and transfer case
- Performance disc brakes
- Unique all-wheel-drive front suspension
The 2007 Dodge Charger received a five-star rating for driver and front-passenger protection in a frontal crash, the highest rating from NHTSA.
- Advanced multi-stage air bag system
- All-speed traction control system
- Anti-lock brake system
- Auto-dimming interior rearview mirror
- Auto-reverse sun roof
- Auto-reverse windows
- BeltAlert
- Brake/Park Interlock
- Brake Assist
- Child-protection rear door locks
- Constant Force Retractors
- Electronic Stability Program
- Energy-absorbing steering column
- Enhanced Accident Response System
- Inside emergency trunk release
- Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren (LATCH)
- Low-risk deployment air bags
- Power adjustable pedals
- Remote keyless entry
- Self-sealing tires
- Supplemental side-curtain air bags
- Seat belt pretensioners
- Security alarm with panic button on key fob
- Sentry Key Engine Immobilizer
- Tire Pressure Monitor
- UConnect Hands-free Communication System using Bluetooth technology
- Marine Blue Pearl Coat (New)
- Steel Blue Metallic Clear Coat (New)
- TorRed (New)
- Bright Silver Metallic Clear Coat
- Brilliant Black Crystal Pearl Coat
- Inferno Red Crystal Pearl Coat
- Silver Steel Metallic Clear Coat
- Stone White Clear Coat
- 2007 model year production start: August 2006
- Production location: Brampton Assembly Plant in Brampton, Ontario, Canada
- 5.7-liter HEMI V-8 engine: Saltillo Engine Plant in Saltillo, Mexico
- 3.5-liter High Output V-6 engine: Kenosha Engine Plant in Kenosha, Wis.
- Five-speed automatic transmission with Auto Stick: Indiana Transmission Plant I in Indianapolis, Ind.
The 2007 Dodge Charger pays homage to muscle cars of the ’60s but with modern coupe styling and four-door functionality. With legendary HEMI V-8 power, Dodge Charger offers American muscle car genes with 21st century performance, safety and customer-convenience technology.
Dodge Charger targets predominately men ages 40-59, middle- to upper-middle-class, who are former sedan or SUV owners looking for a performance sedan with bold style.
- Gender: 65 percent male
- Median Age: 46
- Median Annual Household Income: $75,000
- Education: 45 percent college graduates
- Household: 65 percent married
- Occupation: mix of mid-level white-collar workers, skilled tradespeople, and traditional blue-collar workers in high-paying professions
- Dodge Charger is back as a rear-wheel-drive sedan with V-8 HEMI performance
- Available all-wheel-drive models provide best-in-passenger-car, four-season traction
- Modern fuel-saving HEMI V-8 engine provides 340 hp and 390 lb.-ft. of torque, and allows the Charger R/T to go from zero to 60 mph in 6 seconds
- Dodge Charger’s 5.7-liter HEMI engine features MDS, which transparently shuts down four of its eight cylinders when full V-8 power is not needed, providing as much as 20 percent improved fuel economy without sacrificing vehicle performance
- Modern two-door coupe styling with four-door functionality
- Precision performance and spirited handling to match Charger’s personality
- ESP with Brake Assist, all-speed TCS, four-wheel ABS and five-speed automatic transmission with Auto Stick — standard on all models
- Unique ride-and-handling suspension offerings to match a variety of driving enthusiasts’ needs
- Comfortable room for five adults with flexible 60-40 split rear seat, tilt and telescoping steering column and power adjustable pedals
- Optional rear-seat Video Entertainment System, DVD-based navigation, SIRIUS Satellite Radio, UConnect Hands-free Communication and Boston Acoustics sound systems
technorati tags:classic, american, muscle, cars, dodge, charger